Diagnosed with ADHD, Bi-polar and Depression
My name is Julie. I am 36 years old and grateful to have had Beth Burcham as a wonderful life guide and therapist. When I first started seeing Beth, I had just gotten out of prison for numerous drug charges due to my 20 years of active methamphetamine addiction. Society and officials did not know […]
One nugget of wisdom that I chew on
I always leave my sessions with Beth with at least one nugget of wisdom that I chew on and come back to over and over again during the two weeks afterward. She always brings something to light for me—another way of looking at something that’s plaguing me, a connection to something I’ve said in the […]
My life felt like a whirlwind of funerals
My Father had passed away 4 years ago unexpectedly, then my Grandmother a year later, and more recently my Mom in January. My life felt like a whirlwind of funerals not to mention I felt very alone now that my parents were gone. Six weeks after my Mom passed away my sister was diagnosed with […]
I committed dozens of felonies
I committed dozens of felonies. Ended up convicted of thirteen. Crimes like burglary, breaking and entering, criminal trespass, tampering with a witness and flight to evade prosecution. I set myself on fire several times just to video tape it. I loved to blow things up and break into businesses at night. I fled the country […]
After interviewing multiple therapists
After “interviewing” multiple therapists I met Beth Burcham. Immediately, I had a sense that this was the person that I was to start a new journey with. Beth has guided me on a path of growth and healing through the most challenging and interesting period of my life. I feel blessed to have met Beth […]
Fear and deep sadness can be a great motivator.
I had tried therapy earlier in my life. But it was very conventional. I would talk. He would listen. And when I had a question, he would rephrase the question back at me. I would answer my own question. So we danced. Perhaps I gave up before real change had a chance. But, there was […]