You are not alone
Though it may feel like it sometimes, you are not alone on your journey. The connections developed in our work will help you to realize that you are truly connected to all of life.
Peace of mind ...
Beth's approach to therapy is based on helping people to contact their own innate wisdom, allowing them to be at peace with whatever is arising in life.
Helping you raise your awareness
Many of our greatest challenges in life can be greatly eased through the process of learning to increase simple awareness of the connection between thoughts and emotions ...
Great courage and wisdom brings growth
Don't turn your head. Keep looking aty the bandaged place That's where the light enters you. ~Rumi
A time to open ...
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anais Nin
Change happens from within ...
The change you seek in your external circumstances begins with a change in your inner realm ...
Beth loves helping people uncover what lives inside of them. She is commited to assisting others in theiur understanding of what is not working for them, what patterns need to be transformed and what changes can be made for a feeling of peace and contentment.
Therapy with Beth is an intimate, inquisitive process that focuses on changing old patterns of stress and discomfort by shining a light on the stuck places in people’s lives that are often hiding in the shadows.
Beth’s goal is to make the challenging process of change easier and more effective.
She loves creating the therapeutic space for people to transform the patterns that are no longer working for them into catalysts for peace and contentment.