Areas of Expertise

Beth has exceptional skills in dealing with a wide range of mental issues and topics such as life transitions, self-exploration/ spiritual counseling, relationship issues/couples counseling/family counseling, trauma, women’s issues, addiction, as well as mental illness/personality disorders/mood disorders.

Life Transitions

Beth helps clients deal with the transitions that frequently thrust people into fear or place they have never been before. Death of a loved one, a loss of a relationship or divorce, relocation, beginning or ending a job, changing schools, getting married, pregnancy or the birth of a child, a serious illness, or sudden physical disability can all create major life challenges. These transitions can be stressful, scary, exciting, and confusing — sometimes all at the same time.  Beth’s 21 years of experience in supporting clients through tough times allows people to move through them with greater ease and confidence.

Self Exploration / Spiritual Counseling

Mental Issues - Beth Burcham Therapy - Beth Peaceful
  • “What is my life’s purpose?”
  • “What brings meaning to my life?”
  • “What path should I take?”
  • “Am I living my life in the way I should be?”
  • “Who am I?”
  • “What do I truly believe in?”
  • “How can I gain greater happiness and peace?”
  • “Why do I feel so lost?”
  • “What direction should I be heading in?”
  • “What career should I pursue?”
  • “How can I live a more Spiritual life?”
Many patterns of dysfunction and unrest come out of feeling lost and confused about oneself. Beth is skilled at addressing these big-picture questions and guiding clients through a meditative process to locate the right answers. Beth’s unique techniques deminish feelings of emptiness, powerlessness, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, being stuck, insecure, or just plain lost. Her gift is turning these frightening feelings into a transformative processes of self-discovery and personal growth. Through this facilitated process, clients gather the wisdom, insight, and self-awareness to live more effective and meaningful lives.

Relationship Issues / Couples Counseling / Family Counseling

Relationships are one of the most important parts of our lives — because if you’re not living by yourself on the top of a mountain, you’re in some kind of relationship (hopefully many).  One of the greatest gifts clients receive from working with Beth is a better understanding of relationship dynamics as they relate to:
  • conflict resolution
  • communication
  • intimacy
  • sexuality
  • parenting
  • family dysfunction
  • abandonment issues
  • boundary issues
  • co-dependency
  • relationship addiction
In addition to understanding current relationship dynamics, working with Beth allows clients to explore past relationships (especially their “family of origin”), to uncover the root of these dysfunctional patterns.  Beth helps clients transform these patterns into awareness that creates room for healthier relationships with others — and a stronger sense of Self.


Trauma can arise out of any number of life-threatening situation: experiencing or witnessing violence, abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), a major loss, death, a devastating transition, or severe grief. It is remarkable how quickly trauma can follow any of these experiences. Once these situations become stuck in a person’s psyche, it often leads to serious problems with relationships, school, work, and self-esteem that can last for decades — even lifetimes if left untreated. The symptoms of unresolved tramua include:
  • Post Truamatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • panic
  • anxiety
  • fear
  • insomnia
  • confusion
  • violence
  • depression
  • isolation
Beth has a gift for helping clients understand, cope with, and heal the trauma that has wreaked havoc on their inner and outer lives. She uses EMDR, Mindfullness techniques, and somatic therapy to resolve the trauma. She has helped many people diminish their trauma symptoms and taught them how to better manage their nervous systems.

Women’s Issues

Beth works extensively with women’s issues.  The following women’s issues regularly surface during therapy:
  • break-ups
  • marriage
  • pregnancy
  • abortion
  • miscarriage
  • adoption
  • labor and delievery
  • Post Partum
  • surgeries and other reproductive issues
Beth has helped hundreds of women struggling with women’s issues such as empowerment, confidence, self-esteem, identity, body image, physical health, hormones, and codependency find a greater sense of ease — in their bodies and their lives.


People enter into patterns of addiciton when they are resistant to facing feelings, dealing with interpersonal issues, or have become disconnected from their true Self.  Beth has had great success in helping clients break their addictions to:
  • drugs
  • alcohol
  • sex
  • gambling
  • spending
  • unhealthy relationships
  • obessive/compulsive behaviors
  • other destructive actions that are addictive in nature
Beth uses mindfulness techniques and cognitive/bahvioral techniques to help clients find more freedom and peace of mind as they work through their addictions.  With the support of therapy, clients have been able to move into healthier lifesyles and understand the patterns behind their addictions.

Mental Illness / Personality Disorders / Mood Disorders

Beth is a foundation stone of support for many clients suffering from a various forms of mental illness, personality disorders, and mood disorders. She uses a combination of Psycho-Dynamic therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, EMDR, Buddhist psychotherapy, and Gestalt to work with mental illness and disorders. In some cases, Beth is the pillar of stability that clients need in order to find shelter from their symptoms. In other cases, she has been able to facilitate a full recovery from debilitating disorders. Beth works with clients who have a a wide variety of illness and disorders, including:
  • Major Depression
  • Anxiety-Panic Disorder
  • PTSD
  • Bi-Polar Disorder I & II
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder