Diagnosed with ADHD, Bi-polar and Depression

My name is Julie. I am 36 years old and grateful to have had Beth Burcham as a wonderful life guide and therapist. When I first started seeing Beth, I had just gotten out of prison for numerous drug charges due to my 20 years of active methamphetamine addiction. Society and officials did not know what was wrong with me, so I was diagnosed with ADHD, Bi-polar and Depression and put on heavy medication. I could not get a grip on life; therefore I was stuck in a destructive relationship and on my way back to prison fighting a life sentence. Throughout this process, Beth continued to guide me through my journey of self discovery. She helped me work through sexual abuse, addiction, and abandonment issues. For the first time in my life, I was able to forgive myself and others for the things in my past. I then put together the remaining pieces of my life and built a new foundation. We worked on self esteem, relationships, and parenting issues. Now, Thanks to Beth’s guidance, I am able to set higher goals for myself and follow my dreams. Being a single mother with four children and working on an engineering degree, I am able to handle my problems constructively with minimal stress. Most importantly, I love myself and the people around me. I went from being a suicidal drug addict to an educated loving mother. Anyone can change their life with the proper guidance and the glimmer of hope that keeps us going. I do not see Beth anymore, but the guidance I received from her I continue to experience every day and share with others. I am grateful to have the extraordinary experience of self discovery that she facilitated in my life.” ~ Julie C.

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One nugget of wisdom that I chew on

I always leave my sessions with Beth with at least one nugget of wisdom that I chew on and come back to over and over again during the two weeks afterward. She always brings something to light for me—another way of looking at something that’s plaguing me, a connection to something I’ve said in the past, or some pattern we’ve unearthed and articulated together. But not only does she mirror my experience and my unconscious cycles back to me, she has also, time and time again, helped me observe and acknowledge my strength. Her support is always a means of facilitating my own recognition of myself, however it manifests—with all its foolishness and fear and beauty. I am deeply grateful for the assistance, clarity, and generosity that Beth has offered me in that learning process. She is a profoundly caring and humble teacher, and a gift in all the lives she touches. Let yours be one of them. ~ Margot B.

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My life felt like a whirlwind of funerals

My Father had passed away 4 years ago unexpectedly, then my Grandmother a year later, and more recently my Mom in January.  My life felt like a whirlwind of funerals not to mention I felt very alone now that my parents were gone.  Six weeks after my Mom passed away my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I was very depressed, unmotivated and didn’t know what to do. I found Beth through Yellow Book whom I worked for at the time, and am so glad that I did!  In a matter of 4 months, she helped me work through my grief and helped me to take time for myself which is hard for a working Mom of four who was climbing the corporate ladder.  She helped me open my eyes to see that I went from funeral to sickness to funeral and back all the while working and really not taking the time out that I needed to heal. I have since quite my job and gone back to school to obtain my MBA – a dream of mine since very young.  I take time out for myself every day – even if only 15 minutes to reflect on the good things in life and “breath”.  I feel healthier mow than I have in years and I thank Beth for that.  She truly is and was a Godsend for me!  Thank you again and may God bless you in all that you do and all that you help to heal.” ~ Julie S.

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I committed dozens of felonies

I committed dozens of felonies. Ended up convicted of thirteen. Crimes like burglary, breaking and entering, criminal trespass, tampering with a witness and flight to evade prosecution. I set myself on fire several times just to video tape it. I loved to blow things up and break into businesses at night. I fled the country to avoid going to prison in a stolen SUV.  Ended up in front of more then one judge, facing more then 130 years in prison … I had a surprising impulse control disorder.  This all unfolded right as I turned 18. I had seen six therapists by the time I was 18. … They were all well qualified and good at what they do. The only problem was, it didn’t work. They could not reach me. I needed to be talked too, not prompted. Beth actually talked to me. She really put herself in the conversation. All her thoughts and attention were right their in the moment. She was present. She was able to meet me at my level and walk me through some really broken thinking patterns, something no other therapist could do. I didn’t come to her willingly. I was ordered to go. I completely hated the idea of more therapy. Prison didn’t make me any more willing to play along ether. Prison changes you a lot, especially when you’re young. I don’t think I could have been any harder to crack. I gave her my money and sat quietly on her couch for an hour a week and then left with the signature I needed. I refused to speak or cooperate in any way. That lasted for a while before she broke in through a damn tough wall. I had a long line of people who I had broken, forced to quit

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After interviewing multiple therapists

After “interviewing” multiple therapists I met Beth Burcham. Immediately, I had a sense that this was the person that I was to start a new journey with. Beth has guided me on a path of growth and healing through the most challenging and interesting period of my life. I feel blessed to have met Beth and even more blessed by the growth and peace I have found over the course of our time together. I look forward to meeting with Beth for each of our sessions and always come away with renewed focus and energy for the path of my life, even when I walk in thinking I have no energy, need, or capacity for growth on that particular day. ~ Anonymous

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Fear and deep sadness can be a great motivator.

I had tried therapy earlier in my life. But it was very conventional. I would talk. He would listen. And when I had a question, he would rephrase the question back at me. I would answer my own question. So we danced. Perhaps I gave up before real change had a chance. But, there was no connection with this therapist. It was dry. I made some progress and eventually ended sessions. I joined a 12-step program for alcoholism, and my life improved. Fear and deep sadness can be a great motivator. I first walked into Beth’s office afraid, desperate for help, unconscious, and fighting the world with my will. I wanted someone to listen, but I was skeptical. Here I was back in therapy. I was back for many of the same reasons: anger, another fouled-up relationship, low self-esteem, addiction, legal problems, and a general sense of hopelessness. I liked Beth immediately. She was professional and competent, yet I sensed real compassion. She was genuinely friendly and cheerful. I never felt threatened. The office was full of plants and life. It became a place of healing. My optimism grew with each and every session. I learned about co-dependency, loving myself today, loving that person that got me into therapy, and she complimented my return to that same 12-step program. We worked very hard to neutralize scarring events from my past using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). My weekly sessions continued and my behaviors and outlook on life grew more and more positive. Eventually, I even laughed about the general neurosis that is simply a part of the human condition. It is an exhilarating experience when one arrives, laughs, and feels life for no more or less than it truly is. As I grew, the traditional client/psychotherapist relationship with Beth

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