My Father had passed away 4 years ago unexpectedly, then my Grandmother a year later, and more recently my Mom in January. My life felt like a whirlwind of funerals not to mention I felt very alone now that my parents were gone. Six weeks after my Mom passed away my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was very depressed, unmotivated and didn’t know what to do.
I found Beth through Yellow Book whom I worked for at the time, and am so glad that I did! In a matter of 4 months, she helped me work through my grief and helped me to take time for myself which is hard for a working Mom of four who was climbing the corporate ladder. She helped me open my eyes to see that I went from funeral to sickness to funeral and back all the while working and really not taking the time out that I needed to heal.
I have since quite my job and gone back to school to obtain my MBA – a dream of mine since very young. I take time out for myself every day – even if only 15 minutes to reflect on the good things in life and “breath”. I feel healthier mow than I have in years and I thank Beth for that. She truly is and was a Godsend for me! Thank you again and may God bless you in all that you do and all that you help to heal.” ~ Julie S.