I always leave my sessions with Beth with at least one nugget of wisdom that I chew on and come back to over and over again during the two weeks afterward. She always brings something to light for me—another way of looking at something that’s plaguing me, a connection to something I’ve said in the past, or some pattern we’ve unearthed and articulated together.

But not only does she mirror my experience and my unconscious cycles back to me, she has also, time and time again, helped me observe and acknowledge my strength. Her support is always a means of facilitating my own recognition of myself, however it manifests—with all its foolishness and fear and beauty. I am deeply grateful for the assistance, clarity, and generosity that Beth has offered me in that learning process. She is a profoundly caring and humble teacher, and a gift in all the lives she touches. Let yours be one of them. ~ Margot B.