I had tried therapy earlier in my life. But it was very conventional. I would talk. He would listen. And when I had a question, he would rephrase the question back at me. I would answer my own question. So we danced. Perhaps I gave up before real change had a chance. But, there was no connection with this therapist. It was dry. I made some progress and eventually ended sessions. I joined a 12-step program for alcoholism, and my life improved.

Fear and deep sadness can be a great motivator. I first walked into Beth’s office afraid, desperate for help, unconscious, and fighting the world with my will. I wanted someone to listen, but I was skeptical. Here I was back in therapy. I was back for many of the same reasons: anger, another fouled-up relationship, low self-esteem, addiction, legal problems, and a general sense of hopelessness.

I liked Beth immediately. She was professional and competent, yet I sensed real compassion. She was genuinely friendly and cheerful. I never felt threatened. The office was full of plants and life. It became a place of healing. My optimism grew with each and every session.

I learned about co-dependency, loving myself today, loving that person that got me into therapy, and she complimented my return to that same 12-step program. We worked very hard to neutralize scarring events from my past using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). My weekly sessions continued and my behaviors and outlook on life grew more and more positive. Eventually, I even laughed about the general neurosis that is simply a part of the human condition. It is an exhilarating experience when one arrives, laughs, and feels life for no more or less than it truly is.

As I grew, the traditional client/psychotherapist relationship with Beth evolved. Today, I think of her as a mentor and life coach, someone that heals when necessary but always with a sense of direction. If I could only recall the number of movies, songs, and stories Beth has used to help motivate, inspire, and guide me. We have had countless intellectual conversations about staying present, non-judgment, nutrition, exercise, purpose, success, abundance, potential, and meditation… just to name a few. In addition, she has encouraged me to read numerous books. She has her favorites, which have touched me beyond words. Recently we worked on my life’s purpose and statement which in its current draft reads: “I will selflessly love, play, shine, and inspire while living in abundance, acceptance, and universal connection.”

Things in my outside world are bright today. But my true essence is deeper and simpler than all of that. Beth has put me on this path. What a gift. I am full of gratitude.”

~ Kirk S.